"Sometimes teens just need to talk to someone other than their parents"
Help for Teens & Families

​Tired of telling your teen
over & over to get off their cell phone or video games?

Are you worried that your
teenager is struggling with
anxiety or depression?
I know how stressful it is for the entire family when your teenager
is disrespectful, angry, emotional and unmanageable.
You feel totally overwhelmed, wondering if your teen is
just sad or is it depression?
You feel anxious and helpless and now even more out of control
since the Covid-19 pandemic has changed everything.

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
I know how hard it seems,
you are not failing as a parent,
and it's okay to ask for help!
I will help you figure out what is going on with your teen and
give you both coping skills to change, manage or eliminate
the issues complicating your lives.
Call now for a free
15 minute consultation:
I am able to build rapport quickly with your teen and
find solutions and tools they can use immediately to
stabilize their mood and behavior.
Teenagers can be reactive and impulsive and need to learn coping skills to manage their emotions.
How was your own childhood experience?
Are you repeating any dysfunctional family patterns?
It's tough to balance
life and all of its
responsibilities and
sometimes we neglect
our relationships at
home or with family
or friends.
There is so much
information on the
Internet..Here are some helpful resources that I trust and use frequently.